Reinspection FAQ’s
What is a reinspection?
A reinspection is a modified home inspection that occurs prior to the buyer’s possession of the property. The purpose is to ensure that the agreed upon repairs were completed by the seller.
A reinspection is a modified home inspection that occurs if an area is not accessible at the time of the original home inspection.
A reinspection is a modified home inspection that occurs if components and/or utilities in the property are inactive during the scheduled home inspection (i.e. gas is not on).
How is a reinspection documented?
If the reinspection occurs prior to possession and is used to review repaired items, an addendum is completed within the report.
Upon completion of the document, the buyer/agent will be notified that the report is prepared. The document will not be available until payment has been received.
If the reinspecting occurs for an inaccessible area or a component that is off, the original report is to be modified and any additional discoveries are to be added.
Upon completion of the document, the buyer/agent will be notified that the report is prepared. The document will not be available until payment has been received.
When do we perform reinspections?
Reinspections are NOT to take the place or time slot of a standard inspection
If this is required, a $449 minimum fee will be assessed.
Reinspections of 1 – 20 items are only scheduled prior to the inspector’s morning inspection, between inspections, or after their afternoon inspection.
Clients and agents are not to be present on reinspections with 1 – 20 items so a reduced fee can be offered.
Times provided to an agent/client are to be left general to provide flexibility for the inspector.
Our team will coordinate access and accessibility with the listing agent/sellers.
How much does a reinspection cost?
$249 - Return to property to reinspect repairs for 1 - 20 items as selected by the client (phone call review only).
$449 - Return to the property to reinspect repairs for 21 - 30 items as selected by the client.
$450+ - Return to the property to reinspect repairs for 31+ items as selected by the client (an 80% inspection fee will be assessed with a $450 minimum).
If the buyer or agent would like to be present for the reinspection or review, the minimum fee is $449.
Other FAQ’s
Can I have the original inspector at the reinspection?
We will do our best to schedule the inspector who performed the original inspection at the reinspection. The inspector’s primary job is to perform full home inspections. When possible, the inspector can perform the reinspection either before, between, or after their other home inspections for the day. If they aren’t able to do the reinspection because of scheduling issues, a different inspector will be able to do the reinspection.
Why is $449 the minimum price to be present for the reinspection?
We book our inspection time slots from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. When booking a reinspection, we don’t schedule it in a time slot where a full inspection can be booked. If a time slot needs to be used for a reinspection, a fee of $449 is charged.
Having buyers and agents present, having a review, and more items takes more time for the inspector. For this reason, the inspector isn’t able to fit a reinspection between their other inspections for the day and needs to use a time slot for the reinspection.
Why is there a price difference in the reinspections?
All reinspections are different. Some take longer than others depending on where the home is located, the number of items, the types of things being reinspected, and whether or not there are agents and buyers preset during the reinspection and for a review.
Can I have the inspector look for or comment on new items at the reinspection?
Unfortunately, no. The reinspection is only for items that were mentioned on the original home inspection report. The inspector is not going to look for or comment on new items or different issues. As a courtesy, the inspector may help the buyer and agent look at other items from the BINSR that were not issues during the original home inspection but those items will not make it into the reinspection report.
How do I order a reinspection?
Determine your needs and service fees
Do you want to reinspect repairs or inaccessible areas?
Provide the Diamond Head Home Inspections office team with the list of repairs to
Contact our office team at (808) 228 - 7478